I just love to read! For me, it is a way to escape and discover new worlds, to do things you never thought possible, to explore emotions and feelings through words, and I can do it all in the comfort of my imagination. And even though they are not real, I believe the characters you meet in books can change your life and the way you see the world, if you let them.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause

My Review:
I really liked this one! I think part of the reason it appealed to me was because it was written before the vampire craze that we all know has taken the YA readers by storm. The other part I liked was that this story was relatively short so it was not long and drawn out with the girl trying to figure out what Simon was. It was direct and to the point with Simon saying this is who I am and that’s exactly the way the book was and it was not trying to be different from other vampire books. Don’t get me wrong, I happen to have loved Twilight but I liked reading something that seemed a little more traditional and reminded me somewhat of Dracula. I love the way the author writes because I felt like I was there and she describes things in an almost poetic way and a way I would have never thought of before. I am actually happy with the way this one ended because it would feel wrong if Zoe and Simon tried to make their relationship work because that was not the theme and intention of the book. It was about living life and accepting death when it is your time.

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