In the small college town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace—until all the rules got rewritten when the evil vampire Bishop arrived, looking for the lost book of vampire secrets. He’s kept a death grip on the town ever since. Now an underground resistance is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths. He vows to obliterate the town and all its inhabitants—the living and the undead. Claire Danvers and her friends are the only ones who stand in his way. But even if they defeat Bishop, will the vampires ever be content to go back to the old rules, after having such a taste of power?
My Review:
(Spoiler Alert!)
This one was good! It all finally comes to a head with Mr. Bishop and his crazy vampire followers. I did not know how this one was going to turn out and who we could trust. It was crazy that Claire had to be on Bishop’s side in order to save the people she loves, both vampire and human alike. I did not see the ending coming and could not believe what happened to Sam not to mention Shane’s father. It broke my heart when Shane’s father wanted Claire to tell Shane he always loved him but just did not known how to show it. And then we have Dean who appeared to be a nice guy but was working alongside Jason, Eve’s brother, the whole time to try and destroy more vampires. I would rather face one of the vampires than those guys because at least the vampires try to abide by some rules. As always there was never a dull moment and of course so many great lines and laugh out loud moments. I think the pacing is great and I love the building friendships between Michael, Eve, Shane, and Claire. They have so many challenges but they always rise to meet them because they care about each other and stand up for what they believe in. Great series!
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