I just love to read! For me, it is a way to escape and discover new worlds, to do things you never thought possible, to explore emotions and feelings through words, and I can do it all in the comfort of my imagination. And even though they are not real, I believe the characters you meet in books can change your life and the way you see the world, if you let them.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Eternal Ones by Kristen Miller

Haven Moore can't control her visions of a past with a boy called Ethan, and a life in New York that ended in fiery tragedy. In our present, she designs beautiful dresses for her classmates with her best friend Beau. Dressmaking keeps her sane, since she lives with her widowed and heartbroken mother in her tyrannical grandmother's house in Snope City, a tiny town in Tennessee. Then an impossible group of coincidences conspire to force her to flee to New York, to discover who she is, and who she was.

In New York, Haven meets Iain Morrow and is swept into an epic love affair that feels both deeply fated and terribly dangerous. Iain is suspected of murdering a rock star and Haven wonders, could he have murdered her in a past life? She visits the Ouroboros Society and discovers a murky world of reincarnation that stretches across millennia. Haven must discover the secrets hidden in her past lives, and loves before all is lost and the cycle begins again.

My Review:
I enjoyed this one! This is only the second series of books I have read that include the subject of reincarnation, the other being the ”Fallen” series by Lauren Kate although reincarnation is much more prevalent in this one. It is an interesting subject to write about simply because there are so many ways to spin, twist, and turn out stories about character’s past lives. I liked that Miller was not afraid to use many different controversial subjects all in one book such as beliefs, religion, and homosexuality. The suspense kept me turning the pages and I thought it was eerie enough to be scary in places. Miller does a great job describing a scene, so much so that I felt like I was there in New York walking the busy streets or feeling the sun on my face as I overlook an Italian city.

The pacing was good yet it drove me crazy at the same time. What I mean is I am glad Miller did not rush through the mystery and allowed Haven to discover only bits and pieces of the puzzle throughout the book but I hate that Haven was so quick to accuse Iain, her supposed lover, of being guilty of all these crimes and lies. Although her reaction was realistic and a few were founded in truth, I would have thought she would have a little more faith in Iain and it makes me wonder why he puts up with her. I wanted there to me more to Haven besides the fact that she is a talented seamstress. I wanted her to stand up to people in school about Leah Frizzle and her best friend Beau but it seems like she just ran away from the conflict. Hopefully in the next book we will she her characters develop a lot more. Either way it was a good read since I am looking forward to the sequel and hoping I won’t have to wait too long.

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