I just love to read! For me, it is a way to escape and discover new worlds, to do things you never thought possible, to explore emotions and feelings through words, and I can do it all in the comfort of my imagination. And even though they are not real, I believe the characters you meet in books can change your life and the way you see the world, if you let them.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Catching Fire by Suzanna Collins

(***spoiler alert*** If you have not read the first one stop reading now!)

Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games with fellow district tribute Peeta Mellark. But it was a victory won by defiance of the Capitol and their harsh rules. Katniss and Peeta should be happy. After all, they have just won for themselves and their families a life of safety and plenty. But there are rumors of rebellion among the subjects, and Katniss and Peeta, to their horror, are the faces of that rebellion. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge.

My Review:
Talk about a cliff hanger! This book had me on the edge of my seat wondering how it was all going to end. Collins knows how to tell a story that is both fascinating and disturbing. She is very in touch with the physical aspect of the game and makes you feel like you are really in the arena battling for your life. I can’t wait to see how it is all going to end when the third book in the trilogy comes out!